Sunday, April 3, 2011



March 19,2011



Colonel Muammar Kaddhafi

Thursday, September 24, 2010 12:13m EST

Today Colonel Muammar Qaddafi, the leader of Libya, delivered to the United Nations General Assembly what might be called a diatribe and can definitely be deemed a rambling and unexpected speech. Speaking for 100 minutes–a huge overshooting of his alloted 15 minutes–he managed to speak truth to power and mix in a healthy dose of gibberish at the same time. The UK Telegraph captures the strange dynamic he achieved with this description: “Reading from a sheaf of handwritten notes, he touched not only on Israel and the Taliban but also on swine flu and the US invasion of Grenada.”
He did indeed. Introduced as “the king of kings of Africa,” Qaddafi joined previous heads of state in breaking UN tradition to exceed the designated speech time limit, and to use the podium to criticize instead of to employ orthodox diplomatic language. Below are some highlights from his speech and an analysis of which part is an important human rights point, and which part is outlandish to the point that it undermines his valid considerations. Unfortunately, the excellent points get lost in the eccentricity of Qaddafi’s presentation and the strangeness of his many other points. Still, many of them cannot be dismissed.

“Israstine.” Calling attention to the continuing violence that defines the Israel-Palestine conflict: important and necessary, especially given recent reports on human rights abuses from both sides and continued disagreement on the Israeli expansion of settlements. Feeling a need to give a name to the State he desires to see constitute a one-state solution: laughable. And yet, to play devil’s advocate, it is hard to see exactly what he meant when we can only read excerpts from his speech as reported in the news. In a coherent and persuasive Op-Ed on the topic of a one-state solution in the New York Times on January 21, 2009, Qaddafi made very salient points about why a two-state solution would present both a security threat to Israel and fail to resolve the Palestinian refugee crisis; in this op-ed he used “Israstine” as a semantic device only once and only after laying out his argument. Taken out of context the idea of naming this mythical/hypothetical state seems ridiculous, but if we read his op-ed from January 21 it takes on new meaning. Perhaps we are robbed of the true presentation by virtue of having only excerpts and commentary to rely on.
We should respond–why not? Qaddafi is not the first person to call for a change to the power structure of the Security Council so that it more accurately maps to the world’s current political arrangements.   News outlets have made much of Qaddafi’s dress when he made his speech, including the fact that he was wearing a large pin of Africa. Similar comments are not made about American politicians wearing American flag pins, but then it is de rigueur to wear your nationality on your sleeve, but pan-regionalism is not so popular, nor so common, nor particularly supported. Comparing the Security Council to a feudal system was perhaps a bit much; calling it a “terror council” certainly was. Neither point needed to be made to express the–clearly true–point that the Security Council is inherently imbalanced in maintaining the position of the permanent five powers from the Cold War founding of the UN. But upon peppering his speech with statements about moving the UN to Libya to prevent jetlag, he suddenly reminds people of why some might not wish to cede power to governments such as his by disturbing the current Security Council arrangements.
Criticizing the United Nations Charter: Certainly anyone and everyone is in a position to criticize it, constructively one hopes, as it is the current foundation for many modern human rights texts. Tearing up the document and stating that he does not recognize its authority: not particularly constructive nor fitting to the setting.
Calling for Investigations into the Major Wars Since the UN Was Founded: On its face there is nothing wrong with this proposal. It assumes, however, that there are secret things that we have yet to find out about the causes of or practices during these wars. Perhaps this is the case. Certainly we still don’t know everything that has gone or or is going on in current conflicts, such as Iraq and Afghanistan. But when presented the way it was, including alongside calls for investigations into the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. and President Kennedy, it begins to sound like a conspiracy theory. Here again, perhaps the presentation is undermining the point. If the point is that the UN could improve its ability to reign in the belligerence of some of its leading members, than perhaps the point stands.
In short, we can’t simply dismiss Qaddafi’s speech on the grounds that it was at points ridiculous or because we find him ridiculous in his personal style. It also seems that what is usually a boring and ill-attended affair has, because of the eccentricity with which the speech was presented, now become an excellent jumping off point for humorous recounts. Also too hard to dismiss are the devices, often highly racialized, that the media and critics use to lampoon him and turn his messages into jokes.  One can’t help but notice the special focus that people pay to Qaddafi’s “traditional” dress and “traditional” request to sleep in a bedouin tent.  As mentioned before, not a single commentator misses pointing out his Africa pin; conversely, when President Obama does not wear an American flag pin on his lapel he is criticized.  No one would dare question why a leader is wearing a “traditional” western business suit or why they are continuing the “tradition” of sleeping in a hotel while traveling abroad.
Acts such as wearing traditional dress and requesting a bedouin tent could be written off as merely the disingenuous tactics of a dictator, gimmicks devoid of any real cultural content. And yet, like other things that Qaddafi says, they can’t be so easily discounted. It is in their quick dismissal that another error is committed, that of seizing upon difference and a break from protocol as an excuse to ignore the content of the gesture or of the message. He may be eccentric, but that’s not really the point; nor is it impossible for a person with an imperfect or negative record to make valid criticisms of other leaders.

Historical Use of .Military and Social Engineering

At the end of the 1914-1918 Great War, the War to end all wars,Germany was presented at a world gathering in Paris on June 8, 1919 with a peace document to sign: The Versailles Peace Accord, which dictated to the people and politicians of Germany the terms and constrictions of the newly defeated Germany which were basically designed the agreements the terms and conditions that Germany would have live with the loss of land, social, financial, and military boundaries set out in this document which formed The League of Nations in Switzerland to guarantee that Germans did live as directed in the language set out in Versailles Treaty.

The politicians and diplomats of The Triple Entente: British Empire, France, and Russia created this fatal document knowing full well, before forcing the German Nation to sign this agreement, that Germany could not survive living within these restrictions, before they presented it for the world to see in 1919. It became a guarantor of another and larger World War in 1939.

World Populations
Presently The World Population is considered to be

6,901,200,000 Persons

Ten Most Populated COUNTRIES



United States







Thomas Malthus

Thomas Malthus was an English Cleric who wrote Essay on the Principle of Population in 1798. His observation that in nature plants and animals produce far more offspring than can survive, and that Man too is capable of overproducing if left unchecked. Malthus concluded that unless family size was regulated, man's misery of famine would become globally epidemic and eventually consume Man. His thoughts became an intellectual hallmark among those that took his observations to heart without having any idea of the challenge and ultimate victory of the ingenuity of Man in the fight to produce enough food to satisfy the world as we know it today. One of his admirers influenced by the the Malthusian Essay was Charles Darwin.
The influence of both Malthusian and Darwinism in these early years became the second most example of the future of Social Engineering. Much more was on the horizon.


They do all this with the consent and the approval of their very own citizens by the means of our modern process of periodic public democratic elections: the dynamics of which they ully understand and have learned to control. This “popular” vote is often only a prelude to a complete and “numerically mandated” dictatorship by the executive branch of a modern democratic government. The early noble Greek philosophical idea of a Democracy often ends as soon as the last ballot is counted.

An ever increasing tempo of “State Sponsored Terrorism” is a modern day problem of
immense proportions that has a profound social and cultural effect in every corner of our
planet. Recent years have become a labyrinth of fire and brimstone suffering for those people unlucky enough to stand in the path of the military fireworks of predatory nations intent on the fulfillment of their programs of domination in order to establish new political, social, and economic arrangements for the nations of the world.. It is not important how many innocent people have to die: who will remember those tens of thousands of unidentified martyrs who must suffer an early death as a result of these policies four years from now when free and democratic elections are held once again?

The Most recent example of Social Engineering
Since the end of the Second World War, sixty-six years ago, the world and all that is in has changed dramatically especially in the world of Social Engineering. Today the sad realization for millions of people around the world is the brutal fact that thousands of young innocent men, women and children are dying daily as martyrs in today’s “War On Terrorism.” This scandalous reality is being played out graphically twenty-four hours a day on television networks around the world and is sure to leave a long lasting impression of horror and fear in the hearts and minds of both the young and the old of the world. A multitude of reasons are officially “spoken of “ by military and governmental officials in their effort to justify the invasion of Iraq by the American Government - oil, hidden nuclear and chemical weapons, inept and faulty intelligence, democracy, freedom, liberty, et cetera. These and other nebulous reasons have nothing to do with America’s unilateral decision to bomb, invade and occupy Iraq. The rational for this and other recent military interventions was born in post war 1945 when the total victory of the Allied Military Forces in Europe and Asia provided the basis needed for the birth and establishment of an terrible order of International Political Dominators who plan to introduce a new order of political, economic and social programs on the world: a policy of madness that will rob much of the world of its solid moral basis. They learned the various skills of political deception and fabrication required for the creation of an unnecessary but nevertheless desired war from their political progenitor’s bitter brew of propaganda used in the 1930s in order create a believable list of reasons and justifications for their military carnage in the Second World War.



MARCH 19, 2003

Political Intrigues in the Middle East


Modern day politicians and their social advisers have created a world of suspicion, fear, and anxiety touching every facet of every day life in every corner of the world.


Friday March 18, 2011




Examples of modern day social mores that have fallen to the influence of the drum beaters via television, newspapers, films, internet, radio talk shows, and now social networking clubs where people from around the world can connect with anyone also connected at the touch of a keyboard:

Sexual Intercourse: Science has changed the purpose of the former goal of this human desire from propagation of the family to entertainment, and a variety of other morbid desires and fantasies. Social Engineering at it's inception

Abortions: Thousands, upon thousands are legally performed at today;s clinics and hospitals daily – a double edged sword – one of early easy sex knowledge and activities in adolescents and freedom from the rising costs of marriage and raising a family and especially saving the child to be. Social Engineering at its worst.

Now that Homosexuality has been legalized between two consenting adults an outburst of Pride Organizations and Parades have taken to the streets of the world to openly display their sexual preferences, in a society that is already being seriously damaged with an overflow of openly pornographic videos, photos and literature and countless court cases. Both positions will cause monumental social upheavals in the next few decades. If a man cannot propagate a family legacy he will certainly become inefficacious to mankind in general, although he can survive a lifetime of homosexuality by becoming famous in a world of the arts, literature and the like minded worlds of commerce and public service.

Health Care, Retirements and Taxes: Rules and regulations, mandated by the super rich and privileged political parties and Law Makers, that have no concern with these health and aging matters – they can take good care for their families and themselves. They are not influenced by these draconian laws of life's medical survival aids and costs, and eventually life's serenity period. Social Engineering at its darkest.

Freedom of Social g>Movement:
Crossing borders today has become a troublesome way to travel. Each crossing has become an outpost of the nation's terrorist problems. Those crossing by air are subject to existing Immigration laws that cause travelers to prove his or her nationality by supplying a Passport, answering purpose of visit, and length of visit questions and then being humiliated by having to pass through several security checks of the person by ex-ray, and sensor equipment and also to run through all personal belongings through more advanced search equipment and often asked to have a complete body scan before exiting the final border area. These checks were introduced after the 9/11 terrorist attacks on United States targets. President Reagan authorized National Border guards to be equipped with hand guns in 1981.

High Cost Of Entertainment: Millions upon millions being spent of a galaxy of sport and entertainment menus and schedules that now run from January to January non stop. Patrons flock to the Superbowl, the Oscars, March Madness, Stanley Cup Playoffs, Baseball's long and tedious schedule, All star games, World Series, Masters Golf Tournament, NBA finals, the NHL schedule begins again in October. One example of high costs is the contract of a baseball player signing a 2011 contract which calls for a signing bonus of 3 million dollars plus 24 million for the next two years of playing baseball. A game at best, but a business of building a super star as a main gate attraction.

UNIVERSAL HATE LAWS: Legality? – Needed ?– One Sided ?


Memorable Examples Of Social Engineers
Hoping You Will Believe Their Official Stories

Pearl Harbor


Atomic Bombing of Japan

Assassination Of President John F. Kennedy


US Bombing of Libya's Presidential Headquarters

War in Korea

War In Vietnam

Desert Storm

Monica Lewinsky

President Bill Clinton was the second President in U.S. history to be impeached.
He was impeached on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice.

The entire eight years of the George W. Bush administration

Nine Eleven

War in Iraq

War on Drugs

Prisons and Prisoners

Whitewater Affair

Bombing of Serbia

War in Afghanistan

Middle East Revolts and Changes of Governments


On October 1, 1949, the People's Republic of China was formally established, with its national capital at Beijing. "The Chinese people have stood up!" declared Mao as he announced the creation of a "people's democratic dictatorship." The people were defined as a coalition of four social classes: the workers, the peasants, the petite bourgeoisie, and the national-capitalists. The four classes were to be led by the CCP, as the vanguard of the working class. At that time the CCP claimed a membership of 4.5 million, of which members of peasant origin accounted for nearly 90 percent. The party was under Mao's chairmanship, and the government was headed by Zhou Enlai ( 1898-1976) as premier of the State Administrative Council (the predecessor of the State Council.)

By 2050 the country will have more than 438 million people over 60, with more than 100 million of them aged 80 and above. There will be just 1.6 working-age adults to support every person aged 60 and older, compared with 7.7 in 1975. Government forecasters expect China’s population to peak at around1.5 billion in 2032.
Now the problem is not too many children, but too few. Not enough families are taking advantage of the rules allowing certain citizens to have more than one child, especially in wealthy Shanghai, and family planning authorities there are attempting to encourage more procreation. Couples who are both only children, which includes most of the city’s newly-weds, are allowed a second child. Also, couples are allowed a second child if both partners have Ph.Ds, if they are disabled, if they come from a rural area or in some cases if their first child is a girl. There are also exceptions for widows, widowers, or divorcees who marry someone who is childless. But the main focus of the one-child policy has been on the countryside, where farmers like large families with lots of sons. Middle-class Chinese in the cities, like the middle classes the world over, have fewer children by choice.



The Harper government has committed to buying a fleet of $140-million-a-pop fighter jets at the outset of an era of austerity, sparking questions about whether post-Cold-War Canada still needs pricey cutting-edge airpower.

Marching in to a military band, Defence Minister Peter MacKay touted the new fleet of next-generation F-35s, fitted with stealth technology, state-of-the-art operating systems and super-secure communications, as the “best” that Canadian pilots need to defend the country’s sovereignty and fight in missions abroad.


The Obama administration announced plans Wednesday to sell up to $60 billion worth of advanced fighter aircraft, helicopters and related weapons systems to Saudi Arabia. The package is aimed at helping Saudi Arabia deal with potential threats from Iran and regional terrorism.

The outlines of the arms deal - the largest in U.S. history - had been known for some time, but the administration withheld an official announcement pending consultations with the U.S. Congress. Under its terms, the United States will provide Saudi Arabia with 84 advanced F-15 fighter planes with electronics and weapons packages tailored to Saudi needs. An additional 70 F-15's already in Saudi hands will be upgraded to match the capabilities of the new planes.
Saudi Arabia will purchase a huge fleet of nearly 200 Apache, Blackhawk and other U.S. military helicopters, along with a vast array of radar systems, anti-aircraft and anti-ship missiles, and guided bombs.

Officials put the total value of the sales package at as much as $60 billion but said it could be less if Saudi Arabia elects not to exercise purchase options over the 15 to 20 year span of the deal. At a press event announcing the sale, Assistant Secretary of State for Political-Military Affairs Andrew Shapiro said it reinforces the existing long-term U.S. military relationship with Saudi Arabia.

Shapiro said a potentially-nuclear armed Iran is one threat the package is designed to deter, but that there are others, including terrorist threats to Saudi Arabia's oil facilities, and border problems such as recent incursions of tribal militants from Yemen.
"It's not solely about Iran. It's about helping the Saudis with their legitimate security needs, and they have a number of legitimate security needs. They live in a dangerous neighborhood and we are helping them preserve and protect their security in a dangerous neighborhood against legitimate security threats," said Shapiro.
Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs Alexander Vershbow said the buildup of Saudi capabilities could eventually reduce the need for U.S. military deployments in the Gulf region.
"When one looks at future challenges, having allies throughout the Gulf region who are inter-operable with U.S. forces, who are capable, who have trained together with our forces, it means we have partners and allies we can look to in future contingencies," said Vershbow. "So it means we may have to station fewer forces on a continuing basis in the region."
Vershbow said the United States has had high-level consultations with Israeli officials on the pending sale, and that Israel does not object to it. Israel has long had U.S. F-15 fighters in its arsenal and recently has committed to purchase new F-35 strike fighter jets, which U.S. officials say will preserve Israel's qualitative military advantage in the Middle East.


North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is a military alliance consisting of 28 countries are: Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

NATO is in Afghanistan at the express wish of the democratically elected government of Afghanistan and is widely supported by the Afghan population. The Bonn Agreement of 5 December 2001 requested the United Nations to authorise the development of a security force to assist in maintaining security in Kabul and its surrounding areas. On 20 December 2001, the UN Security Council approved the first resolution authorizing the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF).


KABUL, Afghanistan — Nine boys collecting firewood to heat their homes in the eastern Afghanistan mountains were killed by NATO helicopter gunners who mistook them for insurgents, according to a statement on Wednesday by NATO, which apologized for the mistake.The boys, who were 9 to 15 years old, were attacked on Tuesday in what amounted to one of the war’s worst cases of mistaken killings by foreign-led forces. The victims included two sets of brothers. A 10th boy survived

The NATO statement, which included an unusual personal apology by the commander of the NATO forces in Afghanistan, Gen. David H. Petraeus, said the boys had been misidentified as the attackers of a NATO base earlier in the day. News of the attack enraged Afghans and led to an anti-American demonstration on Wednesday in the village of Nanglam, where the boys where from. The only survivor, Hemad, 11, said his mother had told him to go out with other boys to collect firewood because “the weather is very cold now.”

“We were almost done collecting the wood when suddenly we saw the helicopters come,” said Hemad, who, like many Afghans, has only one name. “There were two of them. The helicopters hovered over us, scanned us and we saw a green flash from the helicopters. Then they flew back high up, and in a second round they hovered over us and started shooting. They fired a rocket which landed on a tree. The tree branches fell over me and shrapnel hit my right hand and my side.”
The tree, Hemad said, saved his life by covering him so that he could not be seen by the helicopters, which. he said, “shot the boys one after another.”
General Petraeus pledged to investigate the attack and to take disciplinary action if appropriate.

“We are deeply sorry for this tragedy and apologize to the members of the Afghan government, the people of Afghanistan and, most importantly, the surviving family members of those killed by our actions,” he said. “These deaths should have never happened.”
It was the third incident in two weeks in which the Afghan government has accused NATO of killing civilians. NATO strongly disputes one of those reports, but another — the killing of an Afghan Army soldier and his family in Nangahar Province on Feb. 20 — was also described as an accident.
The attack on the boys occurred high in the mountains outside Nanglam in the Pech Valley of Kunar Province. American troops are preparing to close their bases in the valley in the next several weeks, in part because their presence has vexed the locals, who would prefer to be left alone. The area is poor, and the only major road was built to service Forward Operating Base Blessing, according to local residents.
A rocket attack on the base on Tuesday led to a helicopter search for the insurgents responsible, the NATO statement said. The base is surrounded by mountains and is the frequent target of Taliban fighters, who shoot down on it from the rocky heights.
The helicopters “returned fire at the assessed point of origin with indirect and aerial fire,” the NATO statement said. “Regrettably there appears to have been an error in the handoff between identifying the location of the insurgents and the attack helicopters that carried out subsequent operations.”
Villagers — who heard the gunfire in the mountains and worried when the children did not return home — went to look for them. The boys had been out since the morning, local people said. “As soon as we heard about the attack on the village’s children, all the village men rushed to the mountains to find out what really happened,” said Ashabuddin, a shopkeeper from Manogai, a nearby village, whose nephew Khalid was among those killed. “Finally we found the dead bodies. Some of the dead bodies were really badly chopped up by the rockets,” he said. “The head of a child was missing. Others were missing limbs.” “We tried to find the body pieces and put them together. As it was getting late, we brought down the bodies in a rope bed. We buried them in the village’s cemetery.”

Internationalist's Social AND MILITARY Programs And Activities
These men are driving hard and fast to establish a new and extremely powerful International Organization that will control all the riches of the earth and the culture and life style of millions of citizens around the world. What you now own and possess will be taken away from you by political, social and monetary laws and restrictions – that is exactly what Karl Marx and Lenin dreamed of . Make no mistake the economic and cultural model now at work in China will be the goal of the Internationalists.

The one vital factor that stands out in this ostensibly unchristian emerging world is the value and worth of religion to people of all races and status. Religion has a centuries old history of being the whipping boy of anyone who disfavors the church but also has a history of surviving all and any attacks from these agnostic men and their secular programs and ideologies.

In the post-war era of an unceasing proliferation of global, international, and world class organizations and corporations the Roman Catholic Church remains as the only truly worldwide International Organization today and as such is the only roadblock to the total and complete domination of the nations and the peoples of the world by agents of change working on behalf of the Internationalists of the world. Presently the Church has 1.3 billion members in every region of the world. It will have to be dealt with sooner or later in order for their programs and agendas for the world to be fully developed. At the moment both forces are steering towards a collision point which will change the spirituality of nations and societies of the world forever.


APRIL 11, 1963
Peace on Earth—which man throughout the ages has so longed for and sought after—can never be established, never guaranteed, except by the diligent observance of the divinely established order.
Order in the Universe

6. But the mischief is often caused by erroneous opinions. Many people think that the laws which govern man's relations with the State are the same as those which regulate the blind, elemental forces of the universe. But it is not so; the laws which govern men are quite different. The Father of the universe has inscribed them in man's nature, and that is where we must look for them; there and nowhere else.
7. These laws clearly indicate how a man must behave toward his fellows in society, and how the mutual relationships between the members of a State and its officials are to be conducted. They show too what principles must govern the relations between States; and finally, what should be the relations between individuals or States on the one hand, and the world-wide community of nations on the other. Men's common interests make it imperative that at long last a world-wide community of nations be established.

I. ORDER BETWEEN MEN8. We must devote our attention first of all to that order which should prevail among men.
9. Any well-regulated and productive association of men in society demands the acceptance of one fundamental principle: that each individual man is truly a person. His is a nature, that is, endowed with intelligence and free will. As such he has rights and duties, which together flow as a direct consequence from his nature. These rights and duties are universal and inviolable, and therefore altogether inalienable. (7)
10. When, furthermore, we consider man's personal dignity from the standpoint of divine revelation, inevitably our estimate of it is incomparably increased. Men have been ransomed by the blood of Jesus Christ. Grace has made them sons and friends of God, and heirs to eternal glory.
Rights11. But first We must speak of man's rights. Man has the right to live. He has the right to bodily integrity and to the means necessary for the proper development of life, particularly food, clothing, shelter, medical care, rest, and, finally, the necessary social services. In consequence, he has the right to be looked after in the event of illhealth; disability stemming from his work; widowhood; old age; enforced unemployment; or whenever through no fault of his own he is deprived of the means of livelihood. (8)
Rights Pertaining to Moral and Cultural Values12. Moreover, man has a natural right to be respected. He has a right to his good name. He has a right to freedom in investigating the truth, and—within the limits of the moral order and the common good—to freedom of speech and publication, and to freedom to pursue whatever profession he may choose. He has the right, also, to be accurately informed about public events.

13. He has the natural right to share in the benefits of culture, and hence to receive a good general education, and a technical or professional training consistent with the degree of educational development in his own country. Furthermore, a system must be devised for affording gifted members of society the opportunity of engaging in more advanced studies, with a view to their occupying, as far as possible, positions of responsibility in society in keeping with their natural talent and acquired skill. (9)

Copyright C Rudolph S. Daldin 2011 Windsor, Ontario, Canada

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